Key figures

Company timeline
- The public limited company was created in 2001 as a wholly owned, private law subsidiary of INRA.
- In 2004, the Europe Department was formed to reinforce INRA's coordination of European projects.
- In 2009, the Agro Biotech Accelerator was created as a subsidiary of INRA Transfert in the form of a joint venture with Seventure (NATEXIS Group).
- Beginning in 2011, project engineering became the company's primary activity.
- January 2011: The Environment business unit was launched in Narbonne.
- July 2011: ABA became ENTEROME.
- April 2013: The business unit CVT AllEnvi was created.
- June 2015: INRA Transfert changed its legal structure to a simplified joint stock company under the direct control of INRA.