Access strategic sectoral studies from CVT AllEnvi

  AllEnvi-logo6-2 CVT AllEnvi – The business intelligence research centre specialising in the environment – food, water, climate, land.

The missions carried out by CVT AllEnvi under the aegis of the Technology Transfer Committee of Alliance AllEnvi (CovAllEnvi) and with funding from the Investments in the Future programme aim to:

  • foster the emergence of a strategic vision shared by technology transfer stakeholders; and
  • identify innovative projects that indirectly generate economic activity and jobs.

CVT AllEnvi is a gold mine of pooled business intelligence resources shared between all AllEnvi members with a specific focus on the environment (bioeconomy, cleantech, land, biodiversity, climate change and natural hazards). Strategic sectoral analyses are carried out at the request of AllEnvi and each study is overseen by a committee of AllEnvi experts. They seek to identify the future dynamics of promising markets for innovation and the application of AllEnvi technologies.

  • The first strategic analyses undertaken concern:
  • Plant proteins for dietary use
  • Synthetic biology for chemicals-materials and energy applications
  • Remediation of contaminated soil
  • Urban mines: recycling critical metals
  • Space observation of agriculture and natural hazards
  • Impact of public orders on the structure of the supply of climate change services – reduction, prevention, adaptation

At INRAE Transfert, the CVT AllEnvi department comprises the expertise, tools and data which fuel these sectoral studies.

The results of these sectoral studies will be presented at one-day seminars that will provide opportunities to establish contacts between economic actors (industrial companies, government and non-governmental bodies) and AllEnvi researchers.


Attend a one-day seminar to see presentations about our findings and:

  • Identify market dynamics and potential partnerships
  • Seize the opportunity to meet all actors in the sector
  • Raise the visibility of your projects


All strategic analyses produced by CVT AllEnvi will be presented at seminars where we can come together and network.

The programme is organised into seminar cycles throughout the year.

Please contact us for more information
Marc Chaussade – Executive Director CVT AllEnvi