INRAE Transfert is organised into four transverse departments dispersed across the country in order to achieve its goal of supporting R&D.
INRAE Transfert is organised into four transverse departments dispersed across the country in order to achieve its goal of supporting R&D.
A subsidiary of the French National Institute for Research in Agronomics, INRAE Transfert is a technology transfer and project engineering company that promotes innovations in food, agriculture and the environment.
Serving as a link between research and businesses, INRAE Transfert has five major functions:
To carry out these missions, INRAE Transfert has built a team of over 60 employees from various professions to support research and innovation throughout the R&D chain.
Learn more about the organisation of INRAE Transfert.
INRAE Transfert has offices throughout all of France to maintain proximity to INRAE laboratories and incubators, ensureing optimal R&D assistance.
INRAE Transfert's expertise and locations make it a focal point for French and European researchers and entrepreneurs.
INRAE Transfert Director :Réjane Le